BenSino Engineering & Consulting Firm Inc. is federally incorporated in Canada and is a self-funded independent division of BenSino Engineering Group SASU. The firm represents the group’s external engineering activities and this is about expanding the flagship of African engineering internationally. We provide complex software and control systems professional engineering services to medium and large companies around the world.

Most engineers acknowledge that engineering is the application of science to solve society’s problems. As we all know, we do have a lot of problems in Africa. So if you still thinking of what is the story behind this firm, ask yourself, what kind of engineer walks away from his or her own society’s problems to help solving someone else’s problems? In short, you get the story… and we had to cut out…

African Earth Engineering

Africa always puts humans first, and this is exactly what African engineering is about; that is, always engineer solutions for the benefit of all. For instance, not only we provide the best engineering solutions but also ensure that any engineer anywhere in the world will also be able to provide equal or superior solutions.



The firm provides you the best professional engineering and consulting services at each stage of the development of all your products.


Our technical resources are involved in upgrading and transforming critical software and systems development processes.

Our mission is simple, send German engineering into the closet. It’s nothing personal; it’s just about the flagship of African engineering. So fellow Africans, let show the world how Ramesses II, Piye, Shaka Zulu, Behanzin, Menelik II, and others used to engineer solutions. In the end, our long term objective is to actively contribute to the development of engineering on the beautiful continent – Africa.

SAFETY 99.99%
African Engineering Industry
My personal goal is to unleash the African engineering that provides long-term solutions to the beautiful continent from Cape Town to Alexandria (sustainable industrialization of Africa).